UseReptiles have very specific heating and lighting needs. As ectothermic creatures, they cannot regulate their own body temperature and rely on external heat sources to maintain the proper internal conditions. Without the right setup, improper heating and lighting can lead to serious health issues, such as metabolic bone disease and digestive problems. At Petfood Plus, we offer an extensive selection of high-quality reptile heating and lighting solutions from trusted brands like Arcadia, Exo Terra, Reptile One, Zoo Med, and URS, ensuring your reptile receives the optimal environment it needs to thrive.
Daylight Basking Lamps
Daylight Basking Globes are essential for creating ideal heating and lighting conditions during the day.
These lamps direct a concentrated beam of light to form a basking spot, while also raising the overall ambient temperature in the enclosure. Designed to mimic natural sunlight, basking globes help your reptile stay comfortable and active.
Infra-Red Heat Globes
Infrared heat globes provide a dark crimson glow which creates a natural ambiance in your pet’s habitat. They can be used both day and night to maintain a consistent temperature.
Our Exo Terra Infra-Red Heat Globes are a popular choice for reptile owners. Known for their durability, these globes outlast many other brands, especially with the frequent on-off cycles common in reptile lighting.
Ceramic Heat Emitters & Heat Projectors
For efficient radiant heat, we offer Ceramic Heat Emitters and Heat Projectors from Exo Terra and Zoo Med. These devices heat the enclosure without emitting light. Therefore, they are perfect for night use without disrupting your reptile’s circadian rhythm.
Ceramic heat emitters also last significantly longer than standard incandescent bulbs. Thus, they provide a long-term solution for consistent warmth.
Heat Mats, Cords & Rocks
Heat Mats, Cords, and Rocks are ideal for reptiles and amphibians that require floor heating.
They are especially effective as secondary or nighttime heaters, although you can also use them as a primary heat source. These options offer safe, even heat distribution, ensuring your pet stays comfortable and warm.
UVB Lighting
UVB lighting is crucial for your reptile’s health. It helps them absorb calcium, supports active behaviour, and boosts overall well-being.
We carry a variety of UVB Globes, including compact coil globes, as well as T8 and T5 long globes. Additionally, we stock Arcadia T5 UVB Reflector Kits and LumenIZE Smart Reflector Kits.
Reflectors and Fittings
Use our range of heat reflectors, lamp fixtures, ceramic sockets, and heat lamp cages to ensure your reptile’s lighting is properly installed and optimally effective.
These accessories help secure your lighting setup, ensuring it directs heat and light exactly where it’s needed.
Thermostats and Thermometers
Maintaining a safe and consistent temperature is vital. Thermostats and thermometers allow you to monitor and control the heat levels in your reptile’s environment. This prevents overheating and ensures your pet stays within a safe temperature range, promoting health and comfort.
At Petfood Plus, we are committed to providing everything you need to create the perfect habitat for your reptile. Our knowledgeable staff are here to assist with all your heating and lighting needs, so don’t hesitate to come in for expert advice.
Browse our full range in-store or visit Pet Shop Direct, our online store, to explore all our options for reptile heating and lighting.