Reptile Enclosures

We stock a range of reptile tanks and enclosures to suit all types of reptiles and amphibians.

Reptile One RTF Glass Terrariums

The RTF series glass terrariums are water tight terrariums suitable for semi aquatic and terrestrial reptiles. The removable mesh lid allows for adequate ventilation.

rtf glass terrarium glass reptile enclosure

We keep the 600HT and 900HL in stock.

Reptile One S2M Melamine Vivariums

Reptile One S2M melamine vivariums are perfect for arboareal and terrestrial reptiles. They are high quality with front opening, sliding glass doors and superfine mesh on top. This along with the side vents allows for adequate ventilation while allowing you to create the ideal temperature gradient.

melamine reptile enclosure s2m melamine vivarium

We keep the S2M900 and S2M1266 in stock.

Exo Terra Mini Tall Terrarium

exo terra terrariumreptile enclosure small

The Exo Terra Mini Tall Terrarium is suitable for small amphibians and reptiles. The front opening, dual glass doors allows for easy access while preventing escape. The waterproof base allows for semi-aquatic species.

Reptile One Turtle Eco Tanks

Turtle Eco tanks are the perfect home for your aquatic turtles and tortoises. Equipped with a back filter system, fine mesh lid, glass heater and a fixed floating landing dock, these tanks are ideal for your turtles.

turtle enclosure turtle tank

We keep the Michelangelo Turtle Eco 60 and Donatello Turtle Eco 90 in stock.

Reptile Starter Kits

bearded dragon starter kit

At Petfood Plus, we also stock starter kits for a range of reptiles including pythins, bearded dragons, blue tounges and hatchlings. These contain everything you need to get started including heating, lighting, decorations and more.

After a Different Size of Reptile Enclosure or Cabinet?

We also have a range of cabinets made specifically for the Reptile One tanks and Enclosures.

If you are after a different size, we are able to order in Reptile One Tanks and cabinets for you. Check out the full range of tanks and enclosures that we can order in on our online store Pet Shop Direct.

You can either head in store and pre pay or click and collect through Pet Shop DIrect.

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